Khamis, 17 Feb 2017


Demam tifoid/typhoid atau lebih dikenali sebagai demam kepialu di Malaysia merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteria yang dikenali sebagai Salmonella Enterica atau secara lebih khusus Salmonella Typhii dan sedemikian demam ini dipanggil sempena nama bakteria tersebut. Penyakit ini boleh didapati di seluruh dunia dan cara penyebarannya adalah melalui makanan dan minuman yang telah tercemar oleh najis. Jangkitan ini boleh menjejaskan seluruh badan dan merosakkan pelbagai organ-organ. Melainkan dirawat, jangkitan ini boleh membawa kesan yang mengancam nyawa. Mengikut kajian, risiko kematian oleh penyakit ini adalah sebanyak 10-30%.


Di sekitar kurun ke 430-424 sebelum Masihi, terjadi satu malapetaka yang dipercayai demam kepialu yang telah mengorbankan hampir satu per tiga daripada penduduk Athens termasuk pemimpin mereka iaitu Pericles. Ahli sejarah kuno Thucydides juga tidak terkecuali dari jangkitan ini namun dia terselamat daripada penyakit tersebut dan menulis mengenainya.

Pada tahun 1897, Edward Wright Almorth telah menemui vaksin yang berkesan dalam menangani penyakit ini. Pada tahun 1909 pula, Frederick F. Russell, seorang doktor tentera Amerika Syarikat membangunkan vaksin Typhoid dan selepas dua tahun program suntikan vaksin anti-typhoid menjadi yang pertama di mana suntikan tersebut diberikan kepada semua anggota tentera Amerika Syarikat.

Setelah penemuan tersebut dan kemajuan penyelidikan serta peningkatan kebersihan, kebanyakan negara-negara maju telah mendapati penurunan demam kepialu pada sepanjang separuh pertama abad ke-20.

Jenis-jenis vaksin anti-typhoid

Di Malaysia, terdapat 2 jenis vaksin anti-typhoid yang digunapakai iaitu vaksin yang berbentuk pil(untuk dimakan) dan vaksin yang diberikan melalui suntikan. Namun begitu penggunaan vaksin suntikan lebih popular berbanding pil di Malaysia.

Vaksin tifoid pil:
  • Vaksin diberikan dalam bentuk kapsul. Diberikan 3 kapsul yang dimakan pada hari ke 1, 3, dan 5.
  • vaksin diberikan kepada individu yang berumur lebih dari 6 tahun ke atas.
  • Imunisasi diberikan setiap 3 tahun bagi pengendali makanan.
Vaksin Tifoid suntikan:
  • Vaksin disuntikkan di lengan atau paha.
  • vaksin diberikan kepada individu yang berumur lebih dari 2 tahun ke atas.
  • Imunisasi diberikan setiap 3 tahun bagi pengendali makanan.

VAKSIN DEMAM KEPIALU merupakan vaksin yang mencegah demam kepialu. Terdapat dua jenis vaksin yang boleh didapati secara meluas: Ty21a (vaksin hidup yang diberi melalui mulut) dan vaksin polisakarida kapsul Vi (vaksin subunit boleh suntik). Kedua-dua jenis vaksin ini kira-kira 30 hingga 70% berkesan selama dua tahun pertama bergantung kepada vaksin tertentu.

Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menyarankan supaya semua kanak-kanak di kawasan yang penyakit ini biasa ditemui divaksinkan. Sebaliknya, WHO juga menyarankan supaya mereka yang berisiko tinggi divaksinkan. Kempen pemvaksinan juga boleh digunakan untuk mengawal penularan penyakit ini. Bergantung kepada keadaan, dos tambahan disarankan setiap satu hingga tujuh tahun. Di Amerika Syarikat, vaksin ini disyorkan kepada mereka yang berisiko tinggi sahaja, seperti pengunjung ke kawasan di dunia yang penyakit ini biasa ditemui.

Vaksin sekarang adalah sangat selamat. Kesan sampingan yang kecil mungkin berlaku pada tempat suntikan. Vaksin boleh suntik selamat dalam kalangan penghidap HIV/AIDS dan vaksin oral boleh digunakan selagi tiada simptom. Keselamatan vaksin oral semasa kehamilan adalah tidak jelas.

Vaksin demam kepialu yang pertama dibangunkan pada tahun 1896 oleh Almroth Edward Wright, Richard Pfeiffer, dan Wilhelm Kolle. Disebabkan oleh kesan sampingan, rumusan yang lebih baharu adalah disarankan pada masa kini. Vaksin demam kepialu tersenarai dalam Senarai Ubat Penting Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia, iaitu ubat paling penting yang diperlukan dalam sistem kesihatan asas. Kos borong vaksin ini pada tahun 2014 ialah kira-kira 4.44 dolar Amerika sedos. Di Amerika Syarikat, kos vaksin ini mencecah 25 hingga 50 dolar Amerika.

source : http://kursuspengendalianmakanan.com/suntikan-typhoid-untuk-pengendali-makanan/
source : https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaksin_demam_kepialu

prosesnya sangatlah sekejap tak sampai 2 minit dalam bilik doktor, dia cucuk pastu selesailah. yang lama masa nak tunggu turn je even klinik swasta. Doktor lelaki indian, dia suntik kat lengan disebelah kiri, tak sakit pun, jarum halus sangat tak rasa apa. cuma malam je rasa kebas sikit. harga satu suntikan RM50. psstt takpa takpa demi kesihatan kan. health is wealth :') and PREVENT IS BETTER THAN CURE.


Sabtu, 11 Feb 2017

It was too late, but I still want to upload! haha I have drawn up this entry for almost 4 days because I'm very tired.

rancang nak pergi perpustakaan awam, ya memang dah pergi and the purpose sebenarnya nak guna wifi untuk kemas kini dan buat sedikit search pasal program sambung belajar untuk kawan, tapi sampai je library, librarian tu terus tutup wifi. Masa aku sampai, library tutup sebab rehat time tu wifi still terbukak, konfem sangatlah dia yang nak main sorang. so kami pun tukar haluan ke Pustaka Buku sebab ada store baru yang dibuka, teman Piqah beli novel. Memandangkan aku langsung tak breakfast, lunch apatah lagi, jam pun dah pukul 4pm maka aku pun pergi breakfast + lunch + minum petang + malam sebelumnya memang langsung tak makan!!!

Tekak rasa nak makan KFC tapi nak McD jugak, but finally i choose Nasi Ayam Penyek hahaha walaupun tak da dalam list "tekak rasa nak makan". I'm craving this for a longest time. masa aku excident motor 4 tahun yang lepas, sebenarnya aku memang tengah craving Nasi ayam penyek ni dan haritu jugaklah abah terus pergi beli, dengan keadaan kaki berbalut aku makan. dahlah pedas hahaha macam membohong je kan, tapi itulah kenyataannya.

lepas makan aku pergi store Al-ikhlas gadget untuk beli some stuff for my harta. dah lama tak shopping barang elektronik ni hahaha computer mouse pun dah bertahun nak beli tapi tak terbeli-beli.

bae! entah lah ni earphone yang ke-berapa aku pernah beli sepanjang aku hidup kat dunia ni. i love earphone more more more than headphone!

berjalan pusing-pusing satu bandar, rasa macam lapar lagi. hahaha I need desert for sure! first motif datang McD sebab nak makan fries dengan burger tapi takda sebab ada masalah teknikal kat dapur so ada jual air dengan aiskrim sahaja. I'm peculiar so i bought Kaya Ball untuk makan dengan Sundae Cone! sedap sangat okey. Kaya ball panas panas dengan aiskrim. serupa macam american pancake.

navy blue in daa house people! ootd versi dari bawah pusat hingga ke ibu jari kaki. lol

inilah tujuan sebenar! nak beli no pin unik untuk permohonan online UPU. beli melalui mesin ATM, simple sangat. wish me luck for the upcoming challenges in life! proses permohonan melalui online so memang wajib no pin untuk akses laman web ini. kepada batch99 goodluck guys! pilihan 1-8 aku pilih UiTM hahaha don't judge. #hidupbumiputera. pilihlah dengan bijak, ikut minat dan jangan paksa diri. Be what you wanna be and stay focus on it. 

lepas beli no pin, tup tup jam dah pukul 6pm dimana aku dengan Nanath sepatutnya berjumpa di stesen bas sebab dia dah nak balik ke college dia. dia order aloevera gel ni kat aku sebab susah nak cari lagi-lagi di Kota Tinggi yang kerdil ni. sambil menyelam minum air! so hantar kan je lah sekali pada dia, dia pun bukan selalu boleh balik. 

Mr. D.I.Y againnn. more moustache gem for me. that note book tho! lawa gila design kompas, memang sesuai untuk traveller!


It is imperative in a leadership role that you communicate effectively. An age old aphorism goes, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” Communication is what separates a poor leader from an exceptional one. Having effective communication skills is the key to good leadership.

When you communicate well with your team, it helps eliminate misunderstandings and can encourage a healthy and peaceful work environment. Efficient communication with your team will also let you get work done quickly and professionally.

The moment you get the lines of communication open with your team, the process of carrying out tasks and projects will most likely go by smoothly. Plus you will be surprised how meeting targets will become a whole lot easier.

Ways to Communicate Effectively in the Workplace
1. Open Meeting
It is easier to communicate your passion and how you feel to your team via open meetings. In this kind of forum, they will not only hear what you are saying, they will also see and feel it. This approach still remains one of the best approaches to communicate effectively with a team.

2. Emails
In official settings, communication via email remains potent. It will enable you to pass messages to members of your team without pulling them out of their work stations.

3. One on One
Experts have been able to prove that some people understand better when you take them aside and talk to them on a one-on-one basis. Ensure that you maintain eye contact with them to enable the message to sink in.

4. Use Presentations
Some people grasp messages easily when pictures and sounds are involved. Using presentations like Microsoft Power Point to communicate with your team will give them the opportunity to refer back to it if they aren’t clear about certain things.

5. Communication via Training
Your training should be tailored towards communicating certain information to your team members. Most employees take training serious, especially when it’s part of their appraisal.

6. Display Confidence and Seriousness
Ensure that you display confidence and seriousness to ensure that you will not be taken for granted. When your team members notice any uncertainty and lack of seriousness when you’re communicating with them, they are likely to treat the information with disdain or disregard.

7. Use Simple Words
The truth is that everybody cannot be on same page when it comes to vocabulary. Therefore, to be effective in your communications with your team members, use words that can be easily understood. When ambiguous words are used, you can be misunderstood and/or waste precious time having to explain yourself.

8. Use Visuals
Place visuals at strategic positions around the work stations of your team. They should not just hear the message, they should also see it. This gives room for better comprehension.

9. Listen to Your Team Members
Communication is intended to be a two way street. Don’t just talk because you are the leader without listening to anyone else. Encourage them to open up so you can be well guided when communicating in the future with them. You have two ears and one mouth –so you must listen more than you speak.

10. Use Body Language
Your body language will pass your message faster and better. Master the art of using body language when communicating with your team. Stand/sit up straight, use smiles, handshakes and eye contact.

11. Act Out Your Message
Someone once said, “Tell me what you want me to do and I might forget it, but do it in front of me and I will never forget it.” Acting out your message is a very potent way of communicating with your team. Let them see you do what you want them to do, and watch their excuses disappear.

12. Use The Appropriate Tone of Voice
One word can mean a different thing when said in a different tone of voice. Make sure you use the appropriate tone of voice to communicate your message to your team so that you won’t be misunderstood and discourage or demotivate members or cause them to shut down completely out of fear.

13. Avoid Unnecessary Repetition
If you want your team members to take you serious, never sound like a broken record and don’t beat a dead horse. Tell your team members what you want them to know or do and ask them if they are clear about it. If they are not, only then do you repeat what you have said.

14. Create a Receptive Atmosphere
To effectively communicate with your team, you must create a receptive atmosphere. Avoid a tense environment at all costs because when you communicate in an overly intense manner, the message you are trying to share might not be well understood or retained.

15. Be Humorous
Using friendly jokes when communicating with your team members will help pass your message along in a more relaxed way. This method of communication has been proven to be a highly effective way of dousing tension. When the atmosphere is unfriendly and intense, being humorous does the trick. If you must use jokes, please don’t overdo it. Remember, you are not a stand-up comedian.

16.  Be Articulate
Communication is indeed a skill that must be learned by all, especially if you want to lead any group of people. Being articulate  when you communicate to your team members makes it easier for them to understand your message.

17. Avoid Mumbling
Your team members should be able to hear you clearly. When communicating with them, try as much as possible to speak clearly and not mumble words. When you mumble words or speak too quickly, you may assume that they are clear on the subject. But the truth is, they might not be. It also shows a lack of confidence on your part.

18. Encourage Feedback
Don’t just talk and walk away. Give room for feedback so that you can measure the effectiveness of your style of communication. It will also afford you the privilege of knowing if your message was well understood.

19. Gesticulate
Use your hands to demonstrate your message. Make hand motions and signals to establish the seriousness of your subject matter when communicating with your team members. This shows that you understand what you are trying to relay to them. Just don’t let your body movement become too exaggerated and intense.

20. Be Appreciative
After every communication session, via whatever means you have decided, always remember to thank your listeners for their time. It will cost you nothing and it’s a simple courtesy.

Remember that the point of working as a team is to share ideas and boost productivity. When communication is hampered, it can sidetrack the entire effort.

You must work hard at these communication tactics and create ground rules to keep everyone up to date, which helps avoid confusion and ensure the completion of the project with ease.

Neha patel, December 11,2013 at 12;41am
Face to face or one on one communication is the best for my business and I really satisfied with it.

Robert Brady, November 19, 2013 at 6:24 pm
In all of these situations, keep it short, simple and to the point. Whether good or bad, belaboring the point takes away from the message.

Aira Bongco, November 19, 2013 at 11:00 pm
Also, team building activities and out-of-work activities can foster bonding and camaraderie among the team. This way, team members would be more willing to contribute and reach the team’s goals.

Mike Dancy, November 21, 2013 at 8:41 pm
All great ways to communicate. And Communication is key. Very few things set the tone of employment mood then lack of communication. All employees like to be “in the loop” with company choices and decisions. Be excluding employees, a company can shut out their best performers and actually drive them away from the company.

Grace Atkins, December 17, 2013 at 4:39 am
Effective communication in the workplace can increase work productivity and output which leads to the success of the business. Thank you for sharing the bunch of ways that would be helpful for business success.

Aaron Rodriguez, August 28, 2014 at 4:27 pm
I agree a team that is working together to get the same objective is always better numerous minds are always better than one, different prospectives always help to get the outcome more efficiently.

Aaron Rodriguez, August 28, 2014 at 4:22 pm
I agree with all these methods. Being open for anything ideas are always good. No one wants a work environment that is quiet and have there head down, un fun. Communication is what also makes time go by fast.

Dinesh Kumar, November 28, 2014 at 8:56 am
Face to face communication is the best way for any communication

Sandra M harrell, May 10, 2015 at 11:18 am
“Face to face communications is still my favorite I’m able to see my audience and with their moves or faces I can get immediate feed back . and is true the way we project ourselves is how they are going to take it, keep it fresh interesting informative and open for questions"

Celestine, August 22, 2016 at 2:04 pm
Face to face communication is the best because some people understand signs,demonstration can easy the understanding and also Avenue to air there views.thanks for this article

source : https://smallbiztrends.com/2013/11/ways-to-communicate-effectively-in-the-workplace.html


A barrier is anything that will get in the way of communication. There are a wide range of barriers including:

Attitude – When a worker is abrupt due to time limits, not having enough resources or their mood, the person they are speaking to may feel intimidated or frustrated and not want to communicate.

Limited use of technology – When the technological aids known to be the best way for someone to communicate are not available.

Body positioning – Sitting too close could be intimidating and would make an individual feel uncomfortable. Sitting too far away could show lack of interest or concern.

Emotions – When someone is depressed, angry, embarrassed or upset their emotions may affect their ability to think and communicate in a sensible way.

Physical – When someone has physical conditions that create communication difficulties, for example, being breathless, not having any teeth or being in pain.

Not enough time – Not giving individuals time to say what they want may make them feel rushed and reluctant to express their true wishes.

Poor or negative body language – Crossed arms or legs, poor facial expressions, poor body positioning, constant fidgeting or looking at a watch or mobile phone can all make someone less likely to communicate.

Lack of privacy – Think carefully about where and when private and confidential conversations should take place.

Stereotyping – Generalisations about a group of people that are wrong and misleading. An example would be that ‘all older people are hard of hearing'.

Other barriers include sensory impairments, culture, language, noise, lighting or substance misuse.

As a worker you should do what you can to reduce any barriers to communication. The most effective way to make sure that you are meeting someone’s communication needs and providing person centred care is to know as much as possible as you can about them.

A ‘communication passport’ might be used by some which provides vital information about their needs, wishes and preferences. This pulls together the information into a format that is easy to read, often with pictures and photographs. Putting something like this together with an individual can be another good way of getting to know them well and understanding their needs. Your organisation might have a suggested format but at a simple level you can put one together with the individual to suit them.

It is important to get regular feedback about your communication style and methods from the people you provide care and support to so that you can continue to improve how you communicate. You could also increase your awareness of different communication needs and methods through taking up learning opportunities. Experience will help you to develop a variety of new methods of communication and selecting the best one in each situation. Be creative. Open body language and a positive, non-judgemental attitude will further help reduce barriers. Your communication skills should be seen as a toolbox, using the right tool for the right job and choosing a different tool if one doesn’t work well.

source : http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Documents/Learning-and-development/Care Certificate/Standard-6.pdf

Dunia Iqmar Effendy